Earth Seeks Dialogue With Human Species
The Earth's Voice Speaks Please Listen:
Earth Seeks Dialogue With Human Species
Every Day is Earth Day.
The earth has been seeking dialogue with the human species for countless centuries, millennia, but seems to have difficulty getting the human species to listen, but it never gives up.
This was the Earth's last attempt at speaking with the human species, which I overheard when taking my trash to the dump.
Earth says to the human species,
The human species says,
Earth says,
"Why don't you listen to my voice?"
Human species says
"What voice?"
Earth says,
"The sound of the wind, streams, waterfalls, ocean waves, I have many voices."
The human species says,
"Shut up. You have no voice. Nature is a dead language. You are resources to exploit for profit. You have no value. Life is about wealth and power, domination and control, and entertainment. We do not need you."
Earth says,
"Why do you make me raise my voice with ever bigger storms? Why don't you listen to what I have to say? It might help you. I can see you are suffering. Why don't you listen?"
The human species says,
"We have science and technology. We are invincible. We can defeat your storms."
Earth says,
The human species says,
"Shut up. I must go to work. It is profit and power that matter. Leave me alone!"
The sky turns black, thunder roars, lightning strikes, human species quivers with fear.
Earth says,
"I have been here long before you human species, and I will be here long after you. I am impermanent, but I will not die for a long time."
The human species says,
"Please let us be. We are fighting a pandemic which is getting in the way of profit and power."
Earth says,
"The pandemic results from human species actions. Wake up before you kill yourself. I love you. I do not want to see you suffer.
The human species says,
"There is no love. We worship nihilism; everything is meaningless except profit and power."
Earth says,
" There was once the native peoples, many of which lived in harmony with me. They lived in balance with nature. They were happy."
"How you suffer, it makes me cry rain and hail. There was also one once known as the Buddha. He conquered human suffering, he became enlightened, and then touched me as his witness."
The human species says,
"We do not need religion or spirituality. Science says that is all superstition."
Earth says,
"There was one who came named Jesus who taught unconditional love, he came to save you, but you nailed him to a cross, even then as he was dying he forgave you for your ignorance, his love for you never died, and he defeated death and will return."
The human species says,
"Who are you to call us ignorant? We have powerful computers, nuclear missiles, drones. We are not ignorant."
Earth says,
"The Buddha said the same thing as Jesus; ignorance is the cause of suffering."
The human species says,
" We don't suffer. We have antidepressants, alcohol, opiates."
Earth says,
"The holy spirit manifests in whatever way necessary to benefit all sentient beings. The Bodhisattvas will never stop until every lost sheep is found and there is no more suffering for all sentient beings."
The human species says,
"We need more power. Then we will defeat you and be protected."
The earth says,
"There is no power greater than love. It has already triumphed. You don't know this due to ignorance; everything is primordially pure. You can recognize this in a moment and be free of all suffering. Wake up!"
The human species says,
"If we need to wake up, we will do it later, plus we will make life eternal with our technology. It is just a matter of time."
Earth says,
"There is no time. Death comes for all. Your wealth, power, and technology will be of no value. All that will matter at that moment will be if you discovered and lived a life of love. Love is the great protector that will carry you to the other shore of this life. Without love, you will die alone in terror and fall to even more suffering. Death is not the end."
The human species say,
"We will consult the experts, the scientists, and great scholars of Academia about what you say, but I think you speak lies, plus we have powerful politicians, the greatest human species has ever seen, they are fearless and will crush you, there is no truth, you are just fake news, global warming, utter nonsense."
Earth says,
"I am a lifeboat. You are putting holes in what gives you life, to speak in a language your politicians will understand, you are shitting in your bed, soon if you don't wake up, you will 'sink like a stone for 'The times they are changing."
The human species then puts in earbuds listening to the bad pop music of the times and goes off to work pissed off to be late.
Earth says,
"I am patient. My voice will only get louder. The love of the awakened ones will be ceaseless until every last sentient being is free of suffering, including those in power. The human species' true nature is good. They are just obscured like clouds blocking the sun, they will recognize this, but if they do not wake up soon and recognize their true nature and the preciousness of life, they will become extinct like the countless species they have killed. But I have faith it is not too late for the human species."
A rainbow then appears in the sky, but the human species do not see it because they look at a cell phone. Also, something called Netflix and countless other distractions keeps them from being present in the moment.
Earth says,
"Maybe human species will listen once they experience sickness. If not, then maybe old age. I will keep speaking though they don't listen, and if they continue not to listen, they will die choking on their waste. I will heal myself from their wounds and be renewed, and life will return, new species will manifest, but they may be gone, they suffer so much, I pray that they wake up soon."
Earth cries rainbow tears for the human species suffering but then smiles.
"But I have faith in love. It is indestructible. They will eventually realize this is all that matters in life."
There is a beautiful sunset, and the earth takes a rest while the moon looks down and the stars wink.
Earth will try again when the sun rises at dawn to show the human species the meaning of love, so patient is earth.
Etched in the sky by David Penn Trinley Arndt in 2020. He shares the dream of what he heard when the earth spoke to the human species. He also listened to this dialogue which will continue. Will anyone listen?
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