
Showing posts from August, 2022

Only You Will Know

Only You Will Know *** I'm trying too hard to find answers To my life fears As unknown as they are What is the answer?  I once asked a wise man What's is the key to it all What's the key the Wise man said is very simple "You'll find it in yourself  You'll find it in yourself" There are some things That no one can tell you Wake up in the middle of the night They're in your mind What can I tell you my only child When the time comes only you will know Only you will know No one else will know what's best for you And you will know what it's like to really be alone Only you will know only, only you will know only you know *** Written by David Arndt many many moons ago. Slightly revised August 31st, 2022. *** Image Bastian Werner

Dear Lord Help Me Change My Ways

Dear Lord Help Me Change My Ways "** Dear Lord Help me change My ways I realize Now I went  Astray I love you God I trust you To care for me I was a fool to think I didn't need your guidance I just lied to myself You build me up You make me strong No matter what I have I'm weak without you I've been torn in two By the life of chosen to lead  My chemical high Has put me in a hole When I'm straight And want to be with you My mind screams for that substance I need  With your help, though, I believe  I could come back.  Again, to the world I once knew Once knew as a child *** Written by David Arndt many many moons ago. Slightly revised on August, 31, 2022

Our Love Remains

Our Love Remains *** Why do I question feelings?  Feelings, changed And don't last We must build a strong foundation  Beneath passion  Emotion of love Can the intensity of love continue  Our innocence and imagination Will help  Together we fight a noble struggle  To have a life of love in a dark world We must not give up on our dreams  A growing love of two together A complete union and bond of friendship A lovers kiss between two of life's travelers The reality of economics and material Need  Will be means for experience Not an end  For the experiences and places  We can share together  Have no price  Like nature or the weather I want to fill your crevices of pain Your scars of life with healing Love I understand sometimes  We both will need  To go our own way But the base and root  Of our love remains  *** Written sitting on rocks, along the blue Danube river in Austria, listening to the water, gently slap...

Casting Nets Out At Sea

Casting Nets Out At Sea *** Casting Nets Out At Sea I'm Fishing for Poetry Beneath the Surface Words Percolate Up to Me  * They're Not  My Own Know Not  Where they  Came From * At First They Were Shy And Hiding Yet I saw them once When I was out Riding * They Went Unheard  Drifted Back Under The Sea Far Far Away From Me * I was then startled Yet I did not run A Muse did appear  Like the beating of a drum Melodiously Arising  Joyously  Warming My Heart Under the Sun * Words Then Lept Forth  Soaring As if They Were Birds Far Above Earth * Oh We  Soar To Places Far And Near Where I Can  Hear  The Power Of Poetries Thunder Roar  * Words fly off left and right If you are not quick They will like a Bubble Vanish From Sight * It's impossible To Explain Glossed With a Sheen It's Meaning Moves shakes Shifts The Magic Of Poetry In  These Times Often Goes Unseen * Now Let's Peak I look You See The Silent  Spaces Between You...

Well I'm Getting Older

Well I'm Getting Older *** Well I'm getting older Ain't so bad right now But I feel the time it's ticking My body doesn't work  Quite as easy as it once did I can't take things for granted anymore If I don't change things Ain't going to be around much longer If you don't love yourself How do you think you're  Gonna love anybody else?  If you don't love yourself?  How do you think you're  Gonna love anybody else?  You gotta turn off the news You gotta put your cell phone away You got to turn the whole electricity off Why don't you just cut the wires?  At least for your house Got unplug. Yeah, go on now If you don't love yourself How do you think you're  Gonna love anybody else?  If you don't love yourself?  How do you think you're  Gonna love anybody else Cuz this world that we're living in Well, it's cruel It'll tear you in two But you can make it We can make it too We can all make  Through We can make it t...

Would You Be My Friend?

Would You Be My Friend?  *** Up-Low went downtown Looking for something around Oh, Can you help me, man?  I need a dollar bill Or do you gotta ten?  Can't find my shoes Don't know where I am Yes, I'm lost I need a friend Are you there?  Would you be my friend?  If you don't It might be my end Well, Would you be my friend?  Oh, oh Up-down went downtown Looking for something around Oh, Can you help me, man?  I need a dollar bill.  Or do you got a 10?  I lost my shoes I don't know where I am Yes, I'm lost I need a friend Are you there?  Would you be my friend?  If you don't It might be my end Well, Would you be my friend?  Oh, oh *** Written by David Arndt on August 31, 2022 *** Image by Notes from the Far Fringe

Give That Love Away

Give That Love Away *** I feel the love Tell me. Do you feel it, too?  Oh, Love Is Gonna Kiss You No matter what you do  Oh yeah I'm going to kiss you too Oh yeah Well I gotta tell you I love you I was honest with my words It's true. You broke my heart But now I'm as free as a bird As I fly looking down on Earth I see so much pain People tearing themselves apart People going insane Oh yeah It's crazy out there Totally crazy Oh yeah Maybe what you and I had  Didn't really serve us And this is the only way  Things will grow again I don't know Our songs nearly over I'm reaching Reach Out For Love Oh yes, I am Yeah The man He went off into the distance His head held high His heart on fire There was no need to say goodbye He followed the path He thought he went the right way Until he came to a cliff And he was blown away Oh yeah Blown away baby  Oh yeah He found himself in the seas All alone in the middle He didn't have a life vest He went down under ocean wa...

We Are Compost Baby

We Are Compost Baby *** Here in this place  Soon will be harvest Seeds were planted  Green pokes through soil Al experiences lived  Become a compost pile  It makes me smile at the thought of this I can see my life has been human waste I imagine I'll be nourished  For quite a long time Thank you love On our days  We will reach a moment  Somewhere on the path We'll have each other to thank My oh my did we create compost together Me I'll be sailing my ship  Through murky waters of life  With a tear In the wind  In my hair Fueled onward By our sweet Love suffering Compost Perfect No mistakes No waste Guided always By the good Heart inside Baby *** Written many moons ago, revised August 30, 2022. ***

Teach Your Children Well

Teach Your Children Well *** "The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates *** Unexamined Shadow Life *** This is surely true  To Not know oneself  Is to not know anything You can teach child  Give them the tools to build a life If you only teach them to walk  In straight lines Follow commands of others  Ignore their own voice You kill what lives within them It takes strength and courage  To walk ones, individual path  To find answers to questions Only you can know No one can tell another  Their meaning or purpose No one can tell another What is right or wrong What is one person's truth  Is another's falsehood  Another's treasure Ideological filters blind Even a perfect teaching Can be a shackle  If adopted without question What is true in one moment  May not be true in another You cannot step in the same river twice Thus spoke Heraclitus All is in flux Change is the only constant Teach a child rigid falsehoods  Is t...

My Heart Beats Ever More Slowly

My Heart Beats Ever More Slowly *** Let's go out tonight Meld yourself against me Mind down splendor No more reason  I lay here amid scattered clothes Guitar that longs to sing Journal that calls for poems  Signs of a struggling heart Pipe made from a coke can  Bag of pot Walls have changed  Since she left  New faces She lives in the crevices Her clothes on the floor crumpled  Say I'm okay when the pain still near No matter how fast I run There is no escape Whether I buy things Smoke things Eat things Fill up the space with other women I always come back here wondering  If I'll ever understand  As the blows change in my window and  My heart beats ever more slowly *** David Arndt 2022 *** Artwork - Belinda Threeths

Taking First Steps

Taking First Steps *** Your smile sunlight  Awakening dawn sunrise skies Your gaze touches my heart Opens my eyes Your presence not fixed   Spaciousness Flowing rivers seas Beauty comes from Within your heart Your love sets me  Free * Your innocence Sings a song Spontaneously  Holding me  * Your voice soothes my weary mind Your gentle melody washes over me Warms my heart once more i feel alive  Spirit blazing  Love from the Inside * I make offerings  Friendship  Love Bliss Grace Gratitude  All I offer up to you * Knowing you abide  Inside my heart Knowing your love Comes from within Abiding in our joy * You empowered me Taking my first steps On this path No looking back Beginning Anew  *** David  Arndt June 14, 2022 *** Artwork - Daniel Mercadante

Always Be Your Friend

Always Be Your Friend *** Warm wind  Blows up from within Casts aside shadows When I think  Hear your thoughts  Paint a picture of your soul Experience  Fills a  hole I captain my own ship Sailing through calm Storms Wondrous gift of loving Shared with you As you go on your way Uncertainty ahead Know in your heart  I will always be your friend *** Written by David Arndt on August 30, 2022 *** Artwork Bob Dylan - Train Tracks

Lost And Found In Guatemala

Lost And Found In Guatemala *** It’s 1:45 AM what’s to be said about how the past hours have transpired in theft Robbed twice by fellow travelers No passport No money Yet I feel joy what words can do justice to this feeling of happiness?  Universal love and a woman One last kiss  Green eyes and a smile that pulls me Our morning moments seem timeless She is a photojournalist Who has covered countless war zones Her working partner had just been killed She is ten years older Much wiser in the ways of the world I feel innocent like a child She is here to renew until the next war zone She is unafraid of death I look at her in awe wanting more time But she must leave A hug is shared I will never see her again  But I caught a glimpse behind her mask Now she lives inside me We will never be apart She will remain in my heart at this moment, I feel understood  at this moment, I’m not afraid there is someone who recognizes me who struggles to see the truth what a beautiful gift...

Give Me My Dog Back

Give Me My Dog Back *** There was another woman I met a long long time ago She brought me happiness Fresh falling snow Oh, life slowly begins to fade Changes colors with the trees  I still got some living left Before I'm falling leaves So, I'm going to let go of my fears Going to let go of my Tears Going to let go of Lost Years Gonna hold you near Yeah, baby. It's true Ever since I saw you Didn't know what to do Don't know now what to do So I left behind my job My wife, family and dog Left all my things behind Went out all the way All for you Even if I don't get to my destination There will still be peace in my heart At least, I went on this journey I was not afraid to start So, this is One Last Thing Before I Go One thing in this life I ever learned that I know There's only one thing  You can trust above And that is called love Do you still love me?  Did you ever love me?  Have you ever loved?  Because I can't take  Going up and down Okay. No, I can...

Can You Feel The Love

Feel The Love *** There is a spring From which I draw water Nourishes and sustains All that’s living in me All that’s living in me All that’s living in me This spring Is a boundless horizon A ever-expanding universe A bottomless ocean I fall And I never touch the bottom I climb a staircase Eternally I drink And I am renewed I am renewed I am transformed Can you feel it? Can you feel it? Can you feel it? All that’s living in you I am a bird I am a fish Yes, I said I was a fish I am a star Push up through the earth Poke up through the roots Of an ancient tree The first tree I eat the fruit Forget myself Become a part Of all that is All that will be Can you feel it Can you feel it Can you feel the love Can you feel the love Feel the love Feel the love *** Composed by David Penn. Partly written in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, 1992, and completed Fall of 1998 in Brodheadsville, PA. Minor changes were made in Lincoln, VT November 4, 2014. *** © David Arn...

Darkness Fades Too Light

Darkness Fades Too Light *** Attachment to ideas, concepts opinions  Leads to unfreedom Rigidness death Attachment to being right leads to sorrow Wasted time stagnation Be flexible like the wind Water rapids  Lose oneself  Patterns evolving connections A tree is its branches, roots, trunk The sun in the sky Rain on the bark Repressed anger  Shoots like a geyser Exploding volcano  Mighty Hurricane Hate breeds violence  Eats from within Leads the people deep into sin Hold to anything tightly It shall fly in the night  Hold to nothing  Shine and darkness  Fades to light *** Written by David Arndt on August 30th, 2022 based on writings from South America many moons ago.  *** Artwork Rabkar Wangchuk

Future Rushes In

Future Rushes In *** Looking back on time  Future rushes in Feel the pain  1000 Shallow Graves My soul  Tired of the mistakes  I've made Way I'm thinking  Seems  It's' too late I look out  People faces tight white Are you there?  An illusion of sight Seems to me tragically  Fake truth most believe Is determined By those  With all the  Might *** Written by David Arndt on August 30,2022 based on writings from South America many moons ago.  *** Artwork Neal Gibson

My Suns Arising

My Suns Arising *** May those sacred feasts  Among friends  Come every day  Come like the sun  Rising at dawn  My heart is stilled by Unspoken language  Affirmed with a touch  Heart remembering  Stay within me Fields abundant bounty treasure I bit the Apple  My spirit nourished  I am no longer thirsty In this moment I am free My Suns Arising *** Written by David Arndt August 30, 2022 based on writings done many moons ago in the Amazon in Ecuador.  ***

We Will Get By And Survive (Jerry❤)

We Will Get By And Survive (Jerry❤) *** I didn't want to go away It was a dark dark day When I left you There was no other way It wasn't out of lack of love in my heart. No, sometimes no matter what you do or how much you love someone No matter what you do sometimes It doesn't seem to make a difference or it makes things worse Sometimes I feel trapped I  run up against another brick wall I feel like I'm so small I took on the world And all that I saw I lived my life as experience An experience for all Took life as straight drink Followed my own path No need to think I got lost so many times I never thought I was gonna come back Well I've been to Hell I've lost my mind But I tell you all It's still possible to survive We can do so much more Then we ever realized When we call upon the love That through the darkness shines See the love shining down Like a shooting star to my heart Everybody's blazing fire Feel like I'm ...

My Father Is A Carpenter

My Father Is A Carpenter *** My father is a carpenter  A working man is he  Saves up all his money  For future across to sea This land is hard for living  When there's no bread  Upon the table People are mourning They spin a weary fable I'll hop on the southbound ship  My father and me Start up a new life  In a land across the sea Like Moses out of Egypt Parting the Red Sea  We'll head to the chosen land  A place where we are free  Because this land is hard for living When there's no bread upon the table The people are mourning  They spin a weary fable  I'll hop on the southbound ship  My father and me Start up a new life  In a land across the sea *** Written many moons ago when visiting an Quechua indigenous community in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest.  **" David Arndt 2022 Artwork DJ Yo Soy

Stars Falling Home

Stars Falling Home *** OM Stars  Constellated patterns  Joy Sadness How you deepen me with appreciation How can I exist strongly and not exist? I soar flinging new stars far and wide  Waves of creation  Build Me up Knock me down Vanishing Appearing The brightest star Someday will no longer shine In that empty space of silence I am coming home Yes I too  Star Sisters and brothers Am heading home To be with you All the way home Look in my eyes Take my hand Let's go on Home AH AH AH *** Written by David Arndt on August 29, 2022 *** Artwork Rabkar Wangchuk

Andy Warhol's Ghost

Andy Warhol's Ghost *** "Ok, after doing some research, I found out others have seen the ghost of Andy Warhol on the Northside in Pittsburgh. The brilliant and beautiful art student who worked at the museum shared this with us, other amusing stories about Andy. This relieved m; maybe I am not insane after all. So I went to the bathroom to relieve myself further. Then above the urinal,l Andy's head appeared. He said, "Feel exposed?" Quickly zipping my pants, I said, "Andy, please, let me be. You are freaking me out. Surely there is someone more worthy for you to haunt. Perhaps our president, just not me." Andy rolled his tongue and flared his nostrils which shot lightning bolts. So subdued, I just shut up. Andy then said, " I want to take a picture of you; follow my head." So we went to the second floor, where the exhibition Revelation illuminated Andy's use of religious iconography throughout his entire career. His final series was on Jesu...

Mayan Adventures in Mexico and Guatemala

Mayan Adventures in Mexico and Guatemala  *** Memories of Terrence McKenna who Taught Me to think Outside the Box *** Some things I won't share, or maybe I will. In 1994 it seemed like a good idea to go to Chiapas during a political uprising to see Terrence McKenna, Jonathon Ott, and Paul Stammets, at the Mayan ruins of Palenque. At this time Terence was the psychedelic luminary of the times.  Terence became a good friend and gave me the best advice of my life. Sadly he passed away in 2000. He lives more than ever on Youtube videos. Terrence then sent my English friend and I to find a rare Ayahuasca vine he had collected the previous year, near the ruins of Tikal in Guatemala, out in the jungle in the middle of nowhere, basically our company was coral snakes and howler monkeys. Because of the snakes, which are around tree falls, because that is where you more easily find the vine, it is impossible to see a vine looking up in the jungle canopy. Needless to say no vine was found...

Where Kisses Sleep

Where Kisses Sleep *** Centuries piled on Amidst appearances Streetlamp's pale light She walks by alluringly Smiles at me Her wild gaze Strikes me down Where kisses sleep Her laughter Emerald tinted lace Falling golden leaves Scents of vineyards Magic wells Seashores We loved Where kisses sleep It once hurt to love Hearts wide open I no longer weep That was the past We return to the sea Times moves fast We dream onward Where kisses sleep *** Written by David Arndt 2022. *** Artwork Marc Chagall

What Not To Forget On The Path

What Not To Forget On The Path *** Never think for a second there are any safe places in cyclical existence.  Never think for a second that you know what the next moment will bring. Never think for a second that you know when you will breathe your last breath.  Never think for a second there is anything more important than love in each moment.  Never think for a second that your life is not precious.  Never think for a second that each action we make will not have a consequence. Never think for a second that the nihilistic fake news of samsara is real. Never think for a second life that this life is not ultimately a dream. Never think for a second that anything is substantial or fixed. Never think for a second that you are beyond hope, that life is impossible and not worth living. Never think for a second that death is the end, that what follows life is nothingness. Never think for a second that you can’t overcome any obstacle or hardship Never forget to dedicate the...

Hello mountain, my old friend.

Hello Mountain, My Old Friend *** I met you 30 years ago now. The trees have grown, but you peak out against the clouds and sky. You bring me down to earth when I fly too close to the sun. You lift me from the darkness, letting me see clearly in all directions. I am sorry I take you for granted at times, so lost in my mind. You are so patient. You were here when the great glaciers melted. That's when you were young. Now you are among the oldest mountains in the US. Time has made your lines soft and gentle. You overlook us in this valley, protect us. You will still be here long after we have faded. Holding the memories of all time. Keeping still. *** Mount Abraham in Lincoln, Vermont. *** David And 2022

Ancestors dancing

Ancestors Dancing *** Ancestors dancing echoes faded  surrender  Life  love  fought and struggled  no landing  blurred into one   origin a black hole  executioner  defied the gods  faces and names demons  Born  kiss the sky  past faded  landing  Heard  Slithering beneath the tide  planets stars lined up  Endlessly  egg cracked  breaking away  one day sun memories  Nothing believed real  Sun did not rise  No dawn  upthrough springs frost  trace  placeless place  Surrendering  forgot the dream  vision lost to time  Tried holding on  free fall  time Collapsed *** David Arndt 2022 *** Artwork  by Pablo Amaringo

Brothers and Sisters

Brothers And Sisters *** Brothers and sisters Be without fear Brothers and sisters The end is near Brothers and sisters It is all ok Brothers and sisters We all pass away Brothers and sisters There's one truth above Brothers and Sisters That truth is love Brothers and sisters Love protects all Brothers and sisters Be not afraid of the fall Brothers and sisters Abandon all worldly plans Brothers and sisters Try to understand Brothers and Sisters We all must part Brothers and sisters This was true at the start Brothers and sisters Our money cannot save Brothers and sisters Fear not the grave Brothers and sisters This life is not the end Brothers and sisters To all love I send Brothers and sisters This life is short Brothers and sisters Full of suffering and hurt Brothers and sisters The prophecies are true Brothers and sisters With faith in love we never lose Brothers and sisters We reap the seeds we sow Brothers and sisters Love is all we need to know Brothers and sisters Good  begi...

Your A Mystery

Your A Mystery *** Your are a mystery Even knowing some of your history I'm left with a thousand questions To see you in Black Feels right Alive with Darkness at night Even with your moods  There's a wonderful space When you smile  I see a Trace Of a warm caring  Soul a glow I feel at home when you try  With just One Look of your eyes You speak to me An unspoken language Movements, looks and smiles.  I can't help, but laugh I doubt I'll ever understand You slipped through my fingers Grains of sand When you're gone  Off far away Traveling the world  On another day I'll look back  Eonder what it was Feeling a warm place  In my heart  Knowing you live On in my art *** Written in Indiana, Pennsylvania in 1989 by David Arndt. Revised in 2022 *** David Arndt Wales 1989

Your Waters Wash Over Me

Your Waters Wash Over Me *** Meet me in Tenby Meet me by the coast of Wales Waters at Tenby filled  Washed over Enveloped with nurturing Healing light, continuum Tenby's water washes over my soul Atop a cliff I watch the waves And I long To go down under salty waters My mouth drinks the water of your flesh I never saw the stars so bright  Shooting stars Pulled me off ground Diving under Waters Where we are one Scattered across the heavens Falling shooting stars Blaze in the darkness To fade Of the coast of Wales Where our love Once burned *** Written by David Arndt in Tenby, Wales in August 1989. Revised on August 28, 2022 *** Image Alamy cut up David Arndt

Let Us Build Bridges

Let Us Build Bridges *** Good people please hear me I'm calling on you We must build Bridges now Or we're gonna rip each other in teo Good people please hear me I'm praying. Can you hear me?  I've been watching this Beautiful Green Earth fade We poison ourselves Our children we betray Good people please hear me My words, they bleed red Let's speak that which is unsaid I've followed my path  Wherever it lead Good people  Please hear me There's still time To change direction Too many bled Too many dead Please human species Let's get on the path Of loving Bridge building Without change There is no further No ahead The words have  Been written If only they were read *** Written by David Arndt August 26th, 2022 *** Image David Arndt in Canaima, Venezuela 1992.

meaningful directionality

Meaningful Directionality *** Soil, must be worked with  tilled before Harvest There are many weeds Among the many seeds There is an evolving tendency There is a meaningful directionality Life is a tightrope  A juggling Act It takes love and time To bring the seed to Blossom There is an evolving tendency There is a meaningful directionality *** Written by David Arndt in Belize in 1994. *** Revised David Arndt 2022 *** Picture David Arndt Bihar, India. 

True Homeland

True Homeland *** Shaman singing around the fire  Of this I aspire  To hear the song of all creation To inspire Return To My Relations  I desire to dance with  Spirit  Higher In the night Far above the fire With my creator Hand in hand There is my true Homeland May this be realized May this be visualized If it is The will of the Way *** Written in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador in 1992. David Arndt 2022 Picture David Arndt Vilcabamba, Ecuador

Looking Bad Down The Line

Looking Bad Down The Line - That Dog Don't Hunt *** You see me coming down the line Sending you poems with bottles of wine Holding you close until you fall away from time Hooking you through my love meter verse, rhyme But it should be much easier than this I mean, you're my dog after all?  I mean, what am I doing?  Getting bottles of wine  Writing poems To a dog  That does Not love me I quit this Poem My Dog Don't Hunt *** David Arndt August 25, 2022.

Bob Dylan 80th Year Jubilee Cut-up

Bob Dylan 80th Year Jubilee Cut-up *** Pretty little Miss  I don't love nobody Where the stars and stripes  Explode Been down to the  Bottom of a whirlpool My Hibiscus flowers  Sense humanity  Going down the drain Oh trees they can give you that  Bleeding heart disease So naked and numb  I can't even remember Spiral staircases  Unworthy cause  Its hot down here You cease to exist  Shifting sand My right hand  Drawing the land of light You came here  To get away  Punished for going to  Desolation Row Lean your head out  With your  Subpoena My worst enemy  Is one and the same More than I can bear  It's not dark yet Put down in writin'  You cease to exist  in the shadows Such is life  Such is happiness  Cinderella I can see  The unknown rider  Pass the tree of smoke I followed the river  And I got  To the window Sniffing drainpipes  And reciting the  A...

Let's Have A Poetic Affair

Let's Have a Poetic Affair *** Let's have a poetic Affair You and I  Your husband won't mind I won't be touching you He won't find us in your bed He'll never know I will be secretly kissing you  You won't break any vows, trust me  As we Frolic beneath the covers Seas Let's have a poetic affair  You and me I now beckon It will be fun Trust me  Delicious  You will see For this yes I would fall And pray for So firm  Ready for you Upon my hands  And knees *** Written by David Arndt On August 16, 2022.

Cab I Dance With You

Can I Dance With You  *** Can I dance with you  Daughter of light?  Can I hold you  For my whole life?  Well, I'll be yours too  To have and to hold  When you are sick  Tired and old At the end of our days may we become stars be constellated  near never far My love for you From Heaven above Dancing of birds Sky and the dove Let us wear white  Be pure as light  Be blessed In the sacred night At the end of our days  May we become stars Be constellated Near never far ***  Written in Vilcabamba, Ecuador in December 1992 by David Arndt 2022 ***  Image Fabrizio Corneli

My Love Is True

My Love Is True *** She teaches me humility Her love frees my ability She brings out my playful child She grounds me to reality She teaches me just to be  With her my religion is lived For her I long to give To soar so high with her spirit At night with her I rest By day we will share the quest I long to see her with a smile upon her face  I long to see her dressed in a dress of lace  My love is true  With her I feel a solid trust My body it knows no lust Our love making a sacred rite She feels me with so much joy Just like when I was a little boy  So let us run through rustic fields In nature may our love be sealed  Happy or sad I've found my place With her I am at home For this the little boy has grown  I long to see her with a smile upon her face I longed to see her dressed in a dress of lace My love is true *** Written in Wales by David Arndt in 1989. *** Artwork Farah N Huq