( A collaboration between the revered Poet, DAVID ARNDT & AARON BLACKIE)
Oh Poetry,
Let us rest In your
Silent Spaces,
Soar within your verses
Fly towards the Sun
Far above earth off to the stars
Which we will gather and scatter
Like WORDS magically
Appearing mysteriously
At a banquet table eating,
Drinking together abiding
There, where of life,
We laughed in snatches
Of her ironies, similes in the
Similitudes of symphonies
Of wordplays into the beauty
Of the marriage of word sounds
Word pictures, beyond the
Symmetry of poetic consciousness!
Like the waterfall cascades
Out of the orifice of unassumed
Nature's fountain, plunging
Into receptive pool, spreading
Beyond, in spontaneous waves
Of rhythms and rhymes,
Unconscious strands
Of the inwardness of the
Soul in solitude,
Bereft of the regimental,
The conscious symmetrical
Of vowels and consonants,
Having the wings to fly,
The natural air to breathes
The uncensored space to spread
Into the pure sky of eternity...
New meanings
Arising from stillness
Now it's time to relax
Slow down, ready the nets
Head on out to sea
If you wish to cast your net
Be still and patient
Be our guest
On this
Extraordinary Journey
Across Poetic Seas
Oh, the feast
It is tasty
It comes with silence
Surges and more
It is LIFE
Itself, streams of worded
Colours in boundless images,
Flowing out of the
Inward doors
That Opens
And closes
According to the
Unforced stimuli
Of the poetic
Oh, the piety of Poetry!
The potency of lines in verses
That captures the tongues of gods,
That outlived the erosions of time,
The crudity of rocky boundaries
Soul- breathed words in pages
Images plastered beyond
Crust surfaces,
Treasures digged out
Of the womb of human actions
And behaviors, embedded
in human nature that bobbed
out like phonex before
the endless doors of
Closing and opening
The circuitous realms
Of ceaseless interactions!.
David, my soulmate in this fountain
Of poetic cascades. Soul to soul, our
Oneness, we streamlined into the pool
of your gathered flow in the openness
Of our hearts as conclude:
What we pull in is that which already abides within us.
There is no doing
Poems of the heart and spirit arise in an unforced way and abide unfixed
Poems cannot be pinned down
Poems are birthed through us when our hearts are open
Poems are fearless
Poems have their own life
Poems have absolutely nothing to do with "me"
Poems move on the winds of spirit
Poems like darts go out and touch hearts
Poems are miracles
We can travel with poems as long as we don't hold on.
When we hold on or get "fixed' then we fall upon rocks that ripple waves of suffering throughout this world .
Poems are antidotes to being trapped in a one dimensional world of text
Poems have whatever necessary to benefit all beings and everyone differently according to their needs
Sometimes poems and people don't get along.
People can do anything to a poem
We fixed and we were ashamed in the garden naked.
We were never "fixed" before the fall
We abided in a state that can't be spoken of without poetry,
Poems soars to the heavens free of time and space
Poems cast off the sickness of the "fixed" that we grasp or repel
Free of these trappings poems soar like birds to the heavens, swim like fishes under the seas of the unconscious , yet its does all and nothing at all which is the essence of "unfixed" being, doing without doing, spontaneously manifesting.
Poems abide and not abide at the same time.
The appearances we see are like dream waterfalls , they flow over everything because the appearances we see are "not fixed."
Look in the mirror and look
The mirror holds your appearance like a poem holds meanings.
Neither can you touch or possess
A poem is not impermanent in the same way we are.
Homer left us long ago but his poetic songs live on
Poems have much longer life expectancy than humans and require all health care
Poetry refracts crystalline unfixed meanings like rainbows going in all directions
True poems have "legs and can walk" as Dylan says
Oh poems are all of this and so much more
What is the heart of the poem where one is liberated
The magic abides unfixed in the silent spaces as words have reached their limits to retract new meanings
It is from places of unfixed silence where poetry is birthed
Let your poems fly in all directions as darts of love.
May the love darts melt the frozen heart.
The heart waters that now flow
Let us let go and surrender to love
In the great poetic awakening may we all recognize we are one and we flow to the sea of love ultimately
We have faith that poems save
"I was once lost but now I am found was blind but now I see"
Amazing Grace
Picture Courtesy ImageSearchMan
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