The Friendship Between Jimmy Carter and Bob Dylan

I know many evaluate Jimmy Carter's presidency as not successful. Many arguments can be made either way, but this is not about the politician, but the man and his decency and dignity.

He is the only president in my life who did not Cash in on his Presidency, unlike Reagan, or Obama going now on his fourth home, this one in Hawaii, another mansion Martha's Vineyard, then DC and Chicago, $400 grand speeches on wall street. Worth now over $40 million. It is excessive at a minimum.

Carter never did that. He had a peanut farm, tried to broker peace in the world, built houses for Habitat for Humanity. No matter what you think of his presidency, he showed human decency.

His goodness as an imperfect human being shone through.


So it is no wonder that he and Bob Dylan became friends.

Jimmy Carter's praise goes beyond anyone. When I heard this quote from Carter, I did not believe it at first, but these are his words. 
Here is Jimmy Carter's quote on Dylan

“Bob Dylan knew how to put the essence of all the great religions into beautiful lyrics, which have been an inspiration to me and to the whole world,” said Carter. “There is no doubt that his words on peace and human rights are much more incisive, and much more powerful, and much more permanent than any president of the United States.”



This is a true and accurate statement about Bob Dylan.

Dylan makes some Quotes on Jimmy Carter:

“It’s impossible to define Jimmy, I think of him as a simple kind of man,” Dylan said. “Like in a Lynyrd Skynyrd song: ‘It takes us time, doesn’t live too fast, troubles come but they would pass. Find a woman and find love, and don’t forget there’s always someone above.’”



"When I first met Jimmy, the first thing he did was quote my songs back to me," Dylan says. "It was the first time that I realized that my songs had reached into the establishment world. And I had no experience in that realm; I had never seen that side, so it made me a little uneasy. He put my mind at ease by not talking down to me and showing me that he had a sincere appreciation for the songs I had written.

"He was a kindred spirit to me of a rare kind. The kind of man you don't meet every day and you're lucky to if you ever do."



Another good friend of Jimmy Carter is Willie Nelson.

Willie Nelson was the first ever to smoke pot on the roof of the White House. He smoked a joint with Jimmy Carter's son.


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