Thy Kingdom Come Biblical Cut-Up # 3
It is very clear that all of our partners cloak themselves in darkness and the floods came. How much dwelling in darkness have seen WAR? LORD open border activists, enter into the region but the shadow can never buy back your soul. But when thou people dwelling in darkness reap new breakthroughs. Thy kingdom come!
And the floods came, shadow of death, I see through your eyes, high stakes and clear choices who cloak themselves. He does not come into me to believe your eyes and I see neither do they. And we will find more reward. We have seen Jesus has ended these cruel and evil sayings. Thy kingdom come!
I think you will find today your children. An eye for your young children Lord in their trouble. You that build all in order those who game the system be cast out of life. Thy will be done in darkness and the shadow. You play with my world execute individuals based upon sexual orientation. I can see through your masks. The people hide dwelling in darkness. Will it buy you forgiveness? You built this house upon the shadow of death. Thy kingdom come!
Freedom and democracy, death planes, drones, you that build all the bombs. The people dwelling behind walls. You hide behind shadow mansions of death and mud. You've thrown the worst fear that can swear. Broad rump hideously beautiful with an ulcer risk of crippling hurt. You are empowering the criminal judge. You must fire the Pharisees. Ye shall in no case enter them from their distress. Your knowledge has a smell strangely horrible. Lowered down to your deathbed buried in the mud. Thy kingdom come!
Hustlers of the world. My affections, being concentrated over a few people, are not spread all over Hell in a vile attempt to placate sulky worthless broad rumps. The buttocks bear two engraved words, and talked all the time day and night. A paranoid is someone who knows a little from an old bathtub. The mark inside, crippling green zinc coffin, your mind will answer the great might of darkness. Thy kingdom come!
We are working closely with our friends of the earth. You might say I am young, immense the end. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth. After four decades of prophets I have not come to destroy the Word, good fruit is hewn down, and has passed from death. He brought them out. Who but you can see through our masks. Hustlers of the world, hide, today your children will find out you built the bombs. Thy kingdom come!
We will rediscover old truths unravel the old I say unto thee. Do men gather grapes of thorns? Magnificent planet the truth is plain to good things . Many will hide death and burst all the triggers. But I say to you the lord does not build bombs. We must not attempt to erase them or eat or drink, light has dawned. I think it would be beneficial if we learn to relax. Thy kingdom has come!
I go to sleep and rise early.
The words above came as a revelation in a dream.
I write them down.
I am jolted by the sound of a shotgun blast in my kitchen.
Burroughs is putting holes in the ceiling.
Burroughs says, " I love your cat Leo."
Burroughs sits in the couch and cuddles with Leo and they purr each other to sleep.
David Penn Trinley Arndt 2021.
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