Riddle of Impermanence
Chasing down dreams, phantom shadows, sand runs through fingers, spontaneously deconstruct, unpack effortlessly, myriad meanings, pointing nowhere, riddle of impermanence, flowing, nothing is fixed.
Going nowhere, yet arriving.
Journey without beginning or end.
The journeyless journey.
Words, not spoken yet heard.
illusory precious human life.
Buddha, shock and awe, shock and awe.
Let peaceful and wrathful appearances, no need for fear, no need for panic.
Honestly, nothing to do, no one to do it.
Love, dissolve, love.
Get out of the way, let love be, don't fight it.
Surrender triumphantly.
The illusory precious human life, a miracle beyond conception.
Be grateful, "you" deserve this. "You" earned it.
Infinite merit = present moment.
wordless words dissolve yet appear
Come together, fall apart, on the spot, on the dot.
Quit struggling, why fight that which never was?
Wordless words, never spoken.
These are the words worth listening to which are unspoken yet perfectly clear.
Better yet to not listen, then all is heard.
The words of utter madness, came of themselves.
Yes, words of a crazy man, beware of false prophets of sanity.
Sanity in samsara nothing but a great lie.
All words in samsara are propaganda.
No sanity in samsara.
No safe space in samsara.
No place in samsara to hide or be safe.
The words written are to remember that which never be forgotten.
Composed spontaneously somewhere in time and space by the crazy fool David Penn Arndt 2022.
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