The Plague of Ignorance
Black clouds appeared in the sky
Due to ignorance, no one had listened
The canary in the coal mine died
The seas were poisoned
Crops did not grow
Animals and species faded away
But no one noticed
Business as usual
The game of profit and power
Fixation on empty "selves."
Life was not seen as precious
The lords of nihilism ruled
Black clouds blocked the sun
All was in darkness
It was no longer business as usual
Many fell sick and passed away
Fear filled the land
People hid from the plague of ignorance
There was nowhere to hide
They were forced to look inside
Within a celestial spring of life overflowed
The first tree flowered
Nothing was fixed
It was all a dream
Some awoke and crossed over
Some remained asleep
But no one was abandoned
The treasure of love and compassion
It is always within awaiting us
An undying sun of Love
Our true nature
Our birthright in the illusory dance of life
Those whose vision was clear
Saw the world as a celestial healing Pureland
Those who were blind saw a wasteland
The lost sheep were not forgotten
The good shepherd never gives up
All who are lost are found
All who look outside
Eventually, look within
Time an illusion
Suffering purification and blessings
The innerspring of love always flows
We can drink the healing water of Dharma
Our thirst is not for the illusions we chase
We thirst to love and to be loved
There are no external enemies to conquer
Only internal enemies
Ignorance, attachment, aversion
The black clouds of fear are impermanent
Nothing to do but still ourselves within
The inner clouds dissipate
The rain of loving-kindness and compassion
Falls on all equally
Relax Relax Relax
We will all be freed
From the timeless dream
We are free but don't see
Everything primordially pure
The true teachers hold the key
Showing their true nature
Our true nature
Is the same
Trust and have faith
All storms pass
Rainbows will appear in the vast sky
A dove with an olive branch appears
Empty yet full
Infinite potentiality
Time to leave the cocoon
Like butterflies, we fly
Empty yet appearing
Then dissolving
Into spacious skies
No need for fear
Nothing fixed
Everything flows
Rivers reach the sea
Where a boat awaits us all
We cross the sea of suffering
We return to cyclical existence
Gather the lost sheep
No one left behind
No one left behind
Etched in the sand by a butterfly with broken wings on March 31, 2020. He knows little and is still lost in the dream but has faith in the love and wisdom of the true teachers who manifest in whatever way necessary to benefit all sentient beings. Never give up. What lies ahead is inconceivable and beyond these poorly written words. Never give up. Even if your wings are broken.
Written by David Penn Trinley Arndt on March 31, 2020.
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