A Guy Named Joe

A Guy Named Joe


There was a guy named Joe 
A guy I used to know 
He was always on the go 
Till he broke his toe 

And then his heart gave out 
His wife Jill she did pout 
He worked far too hard 
At the construction yard 

He was big and sat 
Drank Bud cat on his lap 
Watched TV and smoked 
Occasionally he toked 

So this was his life 
And sad with his wife 
Until she met Lou 
Who looked like Mr Magoo 

Now she's just fine 
Drinks only French wine 
Goes on holiday 
For the month of May 

Life insurance And a boat 
Front yard with a moat 
Fur coats and hats 
And 36 cats


Written on a Bus Somewhere in Nicaragua 1992 revised October 28th, 2022

Artwork by Nicaraguan Art


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