Carry A Light Load

Carry A Light Load


Here's an ode to frugality 
For the humble and pious 
Who know what is enough 
Who reject all gluttony 

This is for the soul 
Who patiently waits 
At St Peter's Gates 
Avoids the seven pit holes 

This is one 
Who is wise 
In all actions 
And never dies 

For one with too much 
Will be shackled to ground 
Imprisoned by vices 
Bound in evil devices  

No wonder Jesus said 
To give up all 
And follow him 
Leave your warm bed 

As the sages of old 
One who knows 
What is enough 
Will carry a light load


David Arndt written in the Los Delores Church in Tegucigalpa, Hondoras many moons ago revised on October 26, 2022

Artwork - Los Dolores by Luis Santos Ochoa Duron


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