Devouring Younger Generations

Devouring Younger Generations


In nature
Some mothers devour their babies 

Rats For example
They can gobble up their babies 

Oh and there are many more
Blenny fish, cats, dogs, hamsters, chickens, seagulls, chimpanzees, lions, parasitic wasps, polar bears, prairie dogs, rabbits, rattlesnakes, sand tiger sharks, scorpions, spiders, tiger salamanders 

Nature can be cruel, can't it?

Among humans
Some mother's also devour their babies. 

2 Kings 6:29

"So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son."

Babies can be devoured in many ways
One way is by depriving them 
Of the nourishment of their father 
Poisoning their daughters 
Future relationships 
Making them more susceptible 
To being gobbled up by others

And fathers can devour babies also. Yet it is different with the father not better or worse, yet still to carry a baby, give birth then devour the baby, it seems to go against nature

But of this phenomena, which is so ugly the devouring mother most disturbs me

Perhaps this is because I'm a male

Perhaps I'm prejudice, because I know what it's like for a baby to be stolen away and left starving for their father whey loves them

We our all in our own way devours of the young

I'm sure I am in ways I'm unaware of, to be human is to be perfectly imperfect

We devour this Earth, leaving the youth with no future, is that not devouring the young, perhaps in a more torturous way?

Yet on a personal level, it's so painful painful to see your baby spiritually in psychologically devoured, it is one of the greatest horrors I know of in life

Yet hating these mothers or fathers, is not the answer, it still love and compassion, not a naive love, but a love with strength, for when we hate others we are in essence devouring them just like the rat in the sewer

Yet the rat should not be hated either, life's so complex, so many opportunities to descend into hatred, to become a devour, yet so seemingly fewer opportunities to love, so when that opportunity comes, jump on board that train fast, or you may find yourself on a train heading to horror

"Oh forgive them, for they know not what they do"



David Arndt October 31st, 2022

Image Times Opinion


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