One Taste, One Kiss……πŸ’•…πŸ•Š️

One Taste, One Kiss……πŸ’•…πŸ•Š️


I've been looking outside myself
For things I can only find inside
Oh I'm not afraid to say
Much of my life has been lost years
Living in cage
Tying to hide
I was trying to survive
It was the only way I knew
I know I wasn't always honest
Know I wasn't true
I paid that price long ago
Now I'm on the path of the bodhisattva
I'm the leader of a tribe
I'm your king
I'm your prince
Your father, brother
Sister, mother, lover
But we're lovers
In pure space of appearances
Empty potentiality
Where there's no proof, nothing profane
All sentient beings in union
One taste, one kiss
Dance union bliss vast openness
Appearances are arising
They're empty,
Yet they appear
One taste, one kiss
Awakened ones of all times laugh
Laughing with joy  equanimity
We abide at rest
Oh, one taste oh, one kiss
One kiss everything in all
All sentient beings kissed in spaciousness
I know this kiss true
In tasting you, I taste all
One taste, one kiss
I'm not wrong
Pith critical point
I will not miss
Will not be lost in the mist
Will not be lost in foggy ignorance
Will not be lost times illusion
I'm going to be calling you on strong
Oh my precious inspiration, I love you
Oh my precious obstacle dispelling muse
Refuge within your strength, glory
You're tough. You're hard
You're soft, you're gentle
You penetrate all
You're honest with me
Even if I'm covered in blisters,
Scattered by broken commitments
Covered with hives
Negative deeds of past lives
Dead dust in the gutter
Before you Muse on my knees
My illusory self shattered
Scattered ignorance
My house of delusion burned down
I'll stand up wiping off the dust of time
And I'll be right there again
Serving you loyally at your side
I don't ask anything of my Muse
May I be your general
Waging a crusade against suffering
May I be the Great Shepherd
Gathering the lost sheep
May I be the ship captain
Bringing those poor in spirit home
May I always know within
All is one taste, one kiss
I taste of emptinesses fullness
I kiss the cracking of appearances
At dawn
I rise with the sun
Generating my way through day
I dissolve into timelessness
Within the setting sun
I abide darkness of night
Stillnesses light
Arising, rising
One taste
One kiss
Ah Ah Ah


David Arndt January 10th, 2023

Artwork -  The Kiss, circa 1897 by Edvard Munch


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